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Full House: 8x6

You Pet It, You Bought It

Teaser: Unknown. Main Synopsis: Jesse and Joey are trying to come up with a contest to have on their radio show, “”Rush Hour Renegades””, and the subject of TV theme songs is brought up by Joey, with the idea of asking listeners if they know the lyrics to a certain theme song. Nicky and Alex like it when Jesse starts singing the theme song for the show “”Three’s Company””, in response to Joey’s idea. Michelle has been selling lemonade on an extremely hot day, and surprisingly, she has earned $221. Danny has a painting of his great-great grandfather, General Cornwall Tanner, enlarged and completely restored. Michelle, without telling anyone how much she earned, does tell the guys she’s going to the candy store when she has Kimmy take her out to spend the money. While Michelle and Kimmy are out, Stephanie tells the guys that Michelle earned more than $200, and of course, Danny is shocked, but not as shocked as he is when Michelle and Kimmy bring home a miniature donkey named Shorty. Michel

Full House: Season 8 Episode 6
Nov. 01, 1994